We have all heard and felt the excitement surrounding the release of Campagnolo's redesigned Super Record and now it is here for you to touch an feel. And I must admit that it feels really good. The ergonomics of the shifters is absolutely amazing. But Super Record is more than just a nicer hood to ride on, it also has 11 speeds and a full set of ceramic bearings.
Check out this
video for a more in depth description of all the new features.
Fortunately the newly shaped shift leavers are available in other models including Record, Chorus, and Centaur. We now have a full Super Record and Chorus 11 groupo in stock ready to be added to the frame of your choice. You can also check it out on the new BMC SLO1 Pro Machine.

And while you are here, don't miss the Campagnolo Eurus with the new tubeless system!
Since many before me have written words more eloquent than my own detailing the features of the coolest Campagnolo groupo to hit this century here are a few links.
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